Sweet Yellow Flowers Bouquet
Send Flowers to Pakistan. A bouquet made of yellow chrysanthemums will give really a beautiful feeling to receiver, white baby breath like white pearls make is bouquet perfect for every occasion.
A free message card will be delivered with your flower bouquet.
- 12 yellow crysanthemums
- 2 stems baby breath
Coverage: You can send this heart arrangement to Lahore, Karachi, Islamabad, Rawalpindi.
- All images representative, look, and feel of the actual product may vary depending on availability.
- Please note that flowers, cake, sweets, and other perishable items are sourced locally at the delivery location and are hand delivered.
- Place your order before 11:00m (Pakistan Standard Time) for same-day delivery.
- Same-day delivery service is not available for big events; like Eid day, Father's Day, Mother's Day, New Year, Christmas, or Valentine's day.
Note: For all the perishable items, the order will be considered delivered and the company will not be responsible in the same/similar cases below:
- Wrong shipping/delivery address
- Recipient not available
- Premises found locked
- Recipient refused to accept gift delivery
- Stock: In Stock
- Product ID: FLWR2125
Product Views: 41994
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